MySep Training

MySep training has been devised to give hands-on experience of rating existing equipment, remediating poor configurations, and producing new greenfield designs. In addition, trainees gain insight into the physics of phase separation and good design practice.  The course provides direct opportunity to rate existing equipment and size new vessels. It considers common applications like slug catchers, 2-phase and 3-phase separators, scrubbers, and flare drums. For retro-fits trainees will learn how to select and evaluate suitable separation internals.  If your business focus is weighted to upstream or downstream, operations or design, we will tailor content to match.   Training can be offered in customer offices or online.

MySep Software for Separation Design and Performance Analysis

Training Content

MySep Training enables your engineering team to understand separation science and good practice while they build hands-on experience of using the software effectively.  The following key elements will be included:

  • Assessing performance, troubleshooting/debottlenecking existing equipment 
  • Common pitfalls in separator design and operation
  • Good design practice
  • Impact of inlet piping size and orientation
  • Performance characteristics of the common separator internals
  • The importance of gas and liquid flow distribution
MySep Hands-on Training Separator Design & Rating
MySep Web Based Training

Remote Web Training

Web-based training offers the same high-quality visual materials, with hands-on sessions, integrated with theory and practice presentations.  Videos of lab tests on separation equipment give insight into how real equipment functions.

Normally conducted over 3 sessions of 3-hours each, MySep provides temporary software training licenses to minimise disturbance to a client’s commercial activity.  Teams of up to 10 engineers can efficiently gain a solid grounding in use of the software, for rating and design in upstream and downstream applications. 

Customer feedback on MySep Remote Training is exceptionally positive:

Customer Quotes

Leading Process Operator

"I have not experienced a course with a similar level of quality technical content: including theory, illustrative videos and hands-on software exercises."

International Engineering Contractor

"Thank you for the MySep training, slide pack, and specifically for the knowledge sharing - based on your vast experience on vessel internals design.  The best part for me was using MySep Engine in a HYSYS steady state and dynamic simulation.  A key process tool to use in concept development projects."

Downstream Operator

"Lots of opportunities to ask questions and the trainers answered very well.

The one of the best technical training courses I have experienced so far in the past 20 years!

Highly recommended!!"

Preview Some Training Material

Our specialized MySep training program leverages extensive industry expertise in troubleshooting and design. Participants gain valuable insights through a variety of resources:

  1. Slide Materials: These cover essential theory, practical design recommendations, and real-world examples. We illustrate concepts using CFD modelling results and MySep software demonstrations.
  2. Laboratory Testing Videos: Attendees gain first-hand knowledge of separation equipment behaviour through engaging videos of actual lab tests.
  3. Comprehensive Example Set: Each participant receives a multi-vessel MySep case file, providing practical scenarios for deeper understanding.
  4. Slide Deck: A comprehensive slide deck, comprising over 180 slides, distils lessons and best practices to form a take-away trainee handbook.
  5. Certificates of Attendance: We recognize participants’ commitment with certificates upon completion of the training.

More Customer Quotes on Training

"We extend our sincere appreciation to Tom Ralston and the MySep Pte Ltd team for their invaluable guidance during the recent training session on the Separator Sizing program, MySep, tailored specifically for the Heritage Engineering team. Participants found the content highly relevant and beneficial, gaining practical insights that will undoubtedly enhance their work in Heritage Engineering."

"Overall the training course was excellent, well presented, interesting and really enjoyable. The content was very relevant to our business and the videos and photos made it very easy to visualise and understand. The MySep program exercises were also very good and relevant covering all the functionality. It is impressive what the program can do while linked to the process simulation."

"I found helpful the explanation and example regarding using MySep in Design mode versus Rating Mode. The motion prediction will be a good tool in order to check vendor design. The Undesirable Scrubber Configuration exercise gave me a better hint on how different internals affects the overall separation efficiency of a vessel."

To book your training